• Most abrasive cutting compound in the Gyeon range
  • Water-based, without fillers or silicones
  • Removes severe paint defects in a short time
  • REDEFINED version with more cutting power and reduced dust
Show all of the category: Polish & Paste
12,00 €
100,00 € per 1 l
incl. 19% VAT , plus shipping costs

The Gyeon Polishing system - water-based, without fillers or silicones, and nearly dust-free.

The Gyeon Compound+ REDEFINED is the ultimate heavy-cut compound, more efficient and workable in all climates, including very hot environments and difficult to work with paints. The REDEFINED version has added cutting power to remove severe paint defects in minimal time. It also has been adjusted to an extended working cycle, leaving little to no dust at all.

Gyeon Compound+ REDEFINED can be used with both dual-action polishers and rotary devices, leaving no oil or grease film behind to gain a ultimately minimized wipe-off time.

Here are a few general, fundamental, and non-binding guidelines for polishing. The process requires experience, so we recommend beginners to start with a practice object, for example, from a junkyard. For those interested, we offer polishing training at GEC.

  • Thoroughly wash and clean the vehicle to remove dirt and dust
  • Ensure that the paint is cool and dry
  • Ideally, park the car in the shade or in a garage
  • Use the recommended GYEON polishing pad
  • Apply a small amount of polishing paste to the pad
  • Distribute the paste evenly on the pad (using fingers and protective gloves)
  • Set the polishing machine to a low speed and apply only light pressure
  • Start slowly moving the polishing machine in a cross pattern over the paint
  • Do not skip any areas and work in small sections (approximately 40 cm x 40 cm)
  • Do not polish over edges, seams, and attachments; mask them off
  • Regularly check the progress by wiping with a polishing cloth
  • Ensure that too much material is not removed, and the paint is not damaged
  • Repeat the process if the result is not satisfactory

Anwendungsvideo Gyeon Poloiersystem


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Exzellente Politur für ein makelloses Ergebnis
5 from 5
Exzellente Politur für ein makelloses Ergebnis

Die Gyeon Compound+ Politur ist ein hervorragendes Produkt, das sich besonders für die professionelle Fahrzeugaufbereitung eignet. Sie zeichnet sich durch ihre hohe Effizienz beim Entfernen von Kratzern, Oxidation und anderen Oberflächenunreinheiten aus. Sie ermöglicht eine einfache Anwendung, während sie gleichzeitig ein feines, glattes Finish hinterlässt.

Ein weiterer Vorteil ist die Staubfreiheit während des Schleifprozesses, was die Nachbearbeitung erheblich erleichtert.

Die Gyeon Compound+ Politur ist somit eine empfehlenswerte Wahl für Autoliebhaber und Profis, die Wert auf hervorragende Ergebnisse legen.

Total entries: 1